30 setembro, 2011

França, Conselho da Europa e UE acordam reforçar os direitos sociais

O Governo, a Merkel e sus muchachos pelos vistos andam distraídos ou então é esta rapaziada que ainda não se deu conta da realidade.

França, Conselho da Europa e UE anunciam iniciativa conjunta para fortalecer os direitos sociais

Estrasburgo, 2011/09/29 - A fim de manter e reforçar os direitos sociais dos cidadãos europeus, o Conselho da Europa, o Comité Económico e Social da UE e o Conselho Económico, Social e Ambiental da França decidiram conjuntamente realizar uma conferência anual com três tarefas principais:

- Fazer um balanço da aplicação das cartas de direitos sociais em toda a Europa,

- Trabalhar no desenvolvimento de sinergias pela prática, de modo a aumentar a eficácia das Cartas do Conselho da Europa e da União Europeia para o benefício dos cidadãos,

- Sensibilizar os media e o público em geral da importância da aplicação das cartas dos direitos sociais.

O secretário-geral do Conselho da Europa Thorbjørn Jagland saudou a iniciativa: "Num momento em que a Europa está sofrendo uma grave crise, a solidariedade e os direitos sociais - que fazem parte dos Direitos Humanos - assumem uma importância particular para as pessoas comuns Esta iniciativa ajudar-nos-á a evitar, uma erosão dos direitos sociais dos cidadãos europeus ", disse ele.

"É essencial que a dimensão social da Europa deva continuar a garantir e estabilizar a democracia social de uma forma visível e credível. Se os direitos sociais fundamentais existem apenas no papel e não na realidade, questões podem ser legitimamente colocadas sobre o nosso modelo democrático", declarou Staffan Nilsson, presidente do Comité Económico e Social.

"A mudança que ocorre em todos os nossos países significa que as comissões económico e social europeias devem trabalhar juntas para promover a ideia de que não pode haver prosperidade sem solidariedade, nem competitividade sem coesão social. A celebração do cinquentenário da Carta Social dá-nos a oportunidade de apreciar como aplicação da Carta pode fazer muito para promover esses dois objectivos ", disse Jean-Paul Delevoye, presidente do Conselho Económicos, Social e Ambiental Francês.

Ser idoso... é mau para os seus Direitos?

  Dia Internacional dos Idosos, 1 de Outubro 2011

UNITED NATIONS Press release
Old age… is it bad for your rights?

GENEVA (1st October 2011) – “In a rapidly ageing word, many older persons would agree that old age is bad for your rights,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Anand Grover, marking the International Day of Older Persons. “In fact, the rights of older persons are often considered to be a marginal area in human rights.”

“As you reach old age, you are more likely to be ignored, patronized, denied access to social security or healthcare, abused, forcefully medicated without your consent or denied medical treatment at all due to your age,” the UN expert stressed. “The list is just too long.”

“We must recognize older persons have rights like anyone else and we must empower them to exercise their rights, in particular the right to health,” Mr. Grover said. “Despite modern society’s strides in human longevity, millions of older persons suffer daily from the age-old problems of prejudice, stigmatization, discrimination and lack of access to appropriate health care.”

In his recent study* on the realization of the right to health of older persons, the Special Rapporteur noted that a right-to-health approach is essential for “the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of health-related policies and programmes to mitigate consequences of an ageing society and ensure the enjoyment of this human right by older persons.”

“More resources are certainly needed for geriatric healthcare, but there should also be a greater focus on treatment for long-term and chronic pain and more respect for the right of older persons to informed consent,” the UN expert said. “More should be done to prevent the abuse that the elderly too often suffer, particularly if ill.”

“States must have policies and adopt measures to ensure old age is no longer bad for your human rights, including the right to health,” urged Mr. Grover. “Only then will millions of older persons have a good reason to celebrate their very special international day.”

The Special Rapporteur is an independent expert appointed by the UN Human Rights Council to help States, and others, promote and protect the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Anand Grover is co-founder and Director of the Lawyers Collective HIV/AIDS in India.

Motim no Titanic por Uri Avnery

“E depois há a questão moral: pode realmente entoar "O povo exige Justiça Social" e ignorar a opressão diária de quatro milhões de palestinos nos territórios ocupados? Quando abandona os seus princípios no caminho para o poder, o que fará provavelmente com esse poder?” referindo-se à nova presidente do Partido Trabalhista de Israel Shelly Yacimovich.

Uri Avnery
October 1, 2011

                                               Mutiny on the Titanic

HERE IS a story that has never been told before:

When the Titanic was well out into the Atlantic, its crew mutinied.

They demanded higher wages, less cramped quarters, better food. They assembled on the lower decks and refused to budge from there.

A few old hands from the engine room tried to extend the scope of the protest. They claimed that the captain was grossly incompetent, that the officers were nincompoops and that the voyage was bound to end in disaster.

But the leaders of the protest resisted. “Let’s not go beyond our practical demands,” they said. “The course of the ship is none of our business. Whatever some of us may think about the captain and the officers on the bridge, we must not mix matters. That would only split the protest.”

The passengers did not interfere. Many of them sympathized with the protest, but did not want to get involved.

It is said that one drunken English lady was standing on deck, a glass of whisky in her hand, when she saw the huge iceberg looming. “I asked for some ice,” she murmured, “but this is ridiculous!”

FOR A WEEK, or so, all the Israeli media were riveted to the goings on at the UN.

Ehud Barak had warned of a “tsunami”. Avigdor Lieberman foresaw a “bloodbath”.  The army was prepared for huge demonstrations that were certain to end in unprecedented violence. No one could think of anything else.

And then, overnight, the bloody tsunami faded like a mirage, and the social protest reappeared. State of war Out, welfare state In.

Why? The commission appointed by Binyamin Netanyahu to examine the roots of the protest and propose reforms had finished its work in record time and laid a thick volume of proposals on the table. All very good ones. Free education from the age of 3, higher taxes for the very rich, more money for housing, and so on.

All very nice, but far short of what the protesters had demanded. The almost half a million demonstrators some weeks ago did not go out into the streets for that. Economics professors attacked, other economics professors defended. A lively debate ensued.

This can go on for a few days. But then something is bound to happen – perhaps a border incident, or a settlers’ pogrom against a Palestinian village, or a pro-Palestinian resolution at the UN – and the whole media pack will veer around, forget about the reforms and return to the good old scares.

In the meantime, the military budget will serve as a bone of contention. The government commission has proposed reducing this budget by 3 billion shekels – less than a billion dollars – in order to finance its modest reforms. Netanyahu has voiced agreement.

No one took this very seriously. The slightest incident will enable the army to demand a special budget, and instead of the suggested tiny reduction, there will be another big increase.

But the army has already raised hell – quite literally – describing the disasters that will surely befall us if the diabolical reduction is not choked in its cradle. We face defeat in the next war, many soldiers will be killed, the future investigation committee will blame the present ministers. They are already shaking in their shoes.

ALL THIS goes to show how quickly national attention can swing from “protest mode” to “security mode”. One day we are shaking our fists in the street, the next we are manning the national ramparts, resolved to sell our lives dearly.

This could lead to the idea that the two problems are really one, and can only be solved together. But this conclusion meets with resolute resistance.

The young leaders of the protest insist that the demand for reform unites all Israelis – male and female, young and old, leftist and rightist, religious and secular, Jew and Arab, Ashkenazi and Oriental. Therein lies its power. The moment the question of national policy comes up, the movement will break apart. End of protest.

Difficult to argue with that.

True, even so the rightists accuse the protesters of being leftists in disguise. Very few national-religious people appear at the demonstrations, and no orthodox at all. Oriental Jews, traditional voters for the Likud, are underrepresented, though not altogether absent. People speak of a movement of the “White Tribe” – Jews of European descent.

Still, the movement has succeeded in avoiding an open split. The hundreds of thousands of demonstrators have not been called upon to identify themselves with any particular political party or creed. The leaders can rightly claim that their tactic – if it is a tactic – has worked up to now.

THIS CONVICTION has been reinforced by recent events in the Labor Party.

This moribund congregation, down in the polls to a mere 7% of the votes, has suddenly sprung to new life. A lively primary election for the party leadership has restored some color to its cheeks. In a surprise victory, Shelly Yacimovich has been elected party chairwoman.  

Shelly (I dislike these  long foreign surnames) was in the past an assertive, abrasive radio journalist with very pronounced feminist and social-democratic views. Six years ago she joined Labor and was elected to the Knesset under the wing of Amir Peretz, the then leader, who she has now soundly beaten.

In the Knesset, Shelly has distinguished herself as a diligent and relentless militant on social issues. She is a girlish-looking 51, a lone she-wolf, disliked by her colleagues, devoid of charisma, not at all the hail-fellow-well-met type. Yet the party rank and file, perhaps out of sheer desperation, preferred her to the members of the bankrupt old guard. The atmosphere in the country produced by the social protest movement certainly contributed to her success.

In all her years in the Knesset, she has not mentioned any of the national problems – war and peace, occupation, settlements. She has concentrated exclusively on social issues. On the eve of the primary, she shocked many members of her party by publicly embracing the settlers. “The settlements are no sins or crimes,” she asserted, they were put there by Labor Party governments and are a part of the national consensus.

Shelly may really believe this or she may consider it good tactics – the fact is that she has adopted the same line as the protest movement: that social affairs should be separated from “national” affairs. Seems you can be rightist on the occupation and leftist on taxing the rich.


On the morrow of the Labor primaries, something amazing happened. In a respected opinion poll, Labor rose from 8 to 22 Knesset seats, overtaking Tzipi Livni’s Kadima, which sank from 28 to 18.

A revolution? Not quite. All the new Labor votes came from Kadima. But a move from Kadima to Labor, while interesting in itself”, is not important. The Knesset is divided into two blocs – the nationalist-religious and the center-left-Arab. As long as the rightist bloc has a 5% edge, there will be no change. To effect change, enough voters must jump from one side of the scales to the other. 

Shelly believes that by shunning national issues and concentrating on social matters, voters can be moved to make the jump. Some say: that’s all that counts. What’s the use of putting forward a program of peace, if you can’t change the government? Let’s first come to power, by whatever means, and than see to peace.

Against this logical argument, there is the contrary contention: that if you start to embrace the settlers and ignore the occupation, you will end up as a minor partner in a right-wing government, as has happened before. Ask Shimon Peres. Ask Ehud Barak.

And then there is the moral question: can you really chant “the People Demand Social Justice” and ignore the daily oppression of four million Palestinians in the occupied territories? When you abandon your principles on the way to power, what are you likely to do with that power?

THE JEWISH High Holidays, which started the day before yesterday, provide a pause for reflection. Politics are at a standstill. The protest leaders promise another huge demonstration, restricted to the social demands, in a month’s time.

In the meantime, the Titanic, this beautiful masterpiece of naval architecture, is riding the waves.

Governo avalia fim dos acordos laborais nas empresas públicas

Diário Económico de 30-09-2011

"O Executivo está a estudar a extinção dos acordos de empresa no Sector Empresarial do Estado. O objectivo é viabilizar financeiramente o SEE. Governo estuda extinção dos acordos de empresa para cortar custos salariais. Para reduzir os custos operacionais e equilibrar as contas das empresas públicas em 2012, o Executivo quer acabar com as regalias laborais em vigor."

As "regalias" são fruto de negociação. São parte integrante de um pacote de condições económicas e sociais. Muitas vezes são trocas entre menos aumentos com descontos a prestações sem incidência social e fiscal.
Serve a gestão e a curto prazo os trabalhadores, que perdem no longo prazo, nomeadamente nos subsídios de desemprego e nas suas reformas.

A comunicação social faz um mau trabalho quando apenas trata a noticia e não questiona de que "regalias" se tratam e o porquê da sua existência.

Força Aérea israelita ataca Gaza

Segundo diversas fontes, caças israelitas atacaram, durante a noite, um posto de controlo localizado a este do campo de refugiados de al-Maghazi no centro de Gaza, não havendo vitimas a registar.

A CNN acrescenta que foi uma resposta ao lançamento de dois (a AFP diz que foi um) foguetes palestinos contra Israel, em 29 de Setembro, um deles danificando um prédio abandonado.

A AFP faz um bodycount e informa que já foram mortos 27 palestinos  nos ataques aéreos israelitas a Gaza durante o mês, recordando que Israel mantêm o cerco a Gaza desde 2007.

29 setembro, 2011

FERVE: 1 Outubro::15h00::Saímos à rua em Lisboa e no Porto

From: Fartos Destes Recibos Verdes [mailto:grupoferve@gmail.com]
Sent: quinta-feira, 29 de Setembro de 2011 02:11
To: grupoferve@gmail.com
Subject: 1 Outubro::15h00::Saímos à rua em Lisboa e no Porto

No dia 1 de Outubro (sábado), a CGTP organiza duas manifestações, em Lisboa e no Porto, contra as medidas de austeridade e pela defesa do emprego, salários e pensões.

O FERVE está solidário com esta iniciativa e incentiva todas/os a comparecerem neste protesto.

::15h00::Praça dos Leões
LISBOA:: 15h00::Saldanha



Fartos/as d'Estes Recibos Verdes

Lei Contra  Precariedade



MayDay Porto

MayDay Lisboa